Image courtesy of TMDB
Watch 12 Feet Deep in Germany: A Guide to Enjoying the Thrilling Movie

Watch 12 Feet Deep in Germany: A Guide to Enjoying the Thrilling Movie

Susan Kirk
Susan Kirk
August 12, 2023

Welcome, film enthusiasts! Today, we dive into the depths of the thrilling psychological horror-thriller "12 Feet Deep," a mesmerizing film that will leave you on the edge of your seat. In this article, we explore the various ways you can stream this captivating masterpiece in Germany. Whether you are a fan of pulse-pounding suspense or appreciate the artistry of superb writing and acting, "12 Feet Deep" is a must-watch.

Immerse yourself in a plot that unfolds with nail-biting intensity. The story revolves around two sisters, Bree and Jonna, who find themselves trapped in a public swimming pool after the manager unwittingly activates the pool cover and leaves for the holidays, unaware of their presence. As they struggle to escape, tensions rise, secrets are unraveled, and unexpected twists keep you guessing until the very end. Prepare for an emotionally charged journey that explores jealousy, survival, and the bond between siblings.

Throughout this article, we will guide you through the different avenues to stream "12 Feet Deep" within Germany. Whether you already have a streaming subscription or are looking to discover new platforms, we have you covered. Stay tuned as we unveil the streamable options that will transport you into the heart-pounding world of "12 Feet Deep."

Image courtesy of TMDB

Stream "12 Feet Deep" with These Streaming Services

If you already have a streaming subscription, get ready to dive into the captivating world of "12 Feet Deep" with just a few clicks! The following streaming services in Germany currently offer this gripping psychological horror-thriller:

  • Amazon Prime: Bloody Movies channel
  • Amazon Prime: Film Total channel
  • Amazon Prime: Home of Horror channel
  • Home of Horror

Simply open your preferred streaming app or platform, navigate to the relevant channel, and you'll be just a few moments away from experiencing the chilling intensity of "12 Feet Deep."

However, if you don't have a subscription to any of these specific services, don't worry. In the following sections, we'll explore how you can potentially unlock "12 Feet Deep" by utilizing your existing streaming subscriptions, taking you on a thrilling journey with just a little creativity.

Exploring Alternative Streaming Platforms

While "12 Feet Deep" is not currently available on Netflix in Germany or any other country, fear not! There may be another streaming service you have in your entertainment arsenal that offers this gripping thriller. Don't despair just yet; let's delve into the other sections of this article to uncover the avenues through which you can access this heart-pounding film.

Stay tuned as we explore the possibilities that await on other streaming platforms. You never know, your existing subscription may unlock the submerged depths of "12 Feet Deep" and transport you into its chilling world. Read on and discover the streaming options that can satisfy your craving for suspense, thrills, and cinematic excellence!

Unleash the Thrills on Amazon Prime

If you are an Amazon Prime subscriber in Germany, you're in luck! You can easily dive into "12 Feet Deep" by accessing it directly on your Prime account. Simply open up Amazon Prime and get ready to embark on an adrenaline-inducing journey.

HBO Max: Not Currently Available for "12 Feet Deep" in Germany

While HBO Max boasts an impressive array of captivating content, unfortunately, "12 Feet Deep" is not currently available on the platform in Germany or any other country. However, don't despair just yet! Since streaming rights can vary across different providers, there may be another streaming service that offers this gripping psychological thriller to German audiences.

We invite you to explore the subsequent sections in this article, where we will unveil alternative ways to experience the heart-pounding suspense of "12 Feet Deep." There may be a hidden gem among the streaming services, allowing you to indulge in this cinematic masterpiece from the comfort of your own home. So, read on to discover the other potential platforms that bring this thrilling tale to life.

Image courtesy of TMDB

Exploring Alternative Options

While "12 Feet Deep" may not be available on Disney+ in Germany, fear not! There are still other avenues to dive into this gripping film. As we continue our search for the realm of aquatic suspense, let us explore alternative streaming options that may bring us closer to experiencing the chilling depths of "12 Feet Deep."

Keep in mind that sometimes certain films or shows belong to other streaming providers. It is always worth checking if you have subscriptions to other platforms that might offer "12 Feet Deep." So, don't lose hope just yet! Ensure you read on to uncover potential streaming services that may hold the key to unlocking this extraordinary cinematic journey.

Buy or Rent "12 Feet Deep" on Various Streaming Services

If you are ready to delve into the gripping world of "12 Feet Deep," you'll be pleased to know that there are several streaming services in Germany where you can buy or rent this enthralling film. Without any delays, let's explore the options available to you:

  • Amazon Prime
  • Apple iTunes
  • Chili
  • EntertainTV
  • Google Play Movies
  • Sky Store
  • Videobuster
  • YouTube
  • maxdome Store

The convenience of these streaming services is unparalleled. With just a few clicks, you can open up your preferred streaming app, make the payment, and be ready to plunge into the captivating world of "12 Feet Deep." So why wait? Start watching right now if you already have a subscription to any of these incredible services.

How to watch 12 Feet Deep in Germany today

Sign up for ExpressVPN and watch 12 Feet Deep in Canada in 3 quick steps

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Install the ExpressVPN app and create an account.

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Choose an ExpressVPN server in a country with the movie/show

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Step 3

Open your usual streaming app (Netflix, Disney+, etc) on your device and enjoy your show!

Image courtesy of TMDB

Drowning in Desperation: The Tantalizing Plot of 12 Feet Deep

Prepare to be submerged in a gripping tale of desperation and survival as we unravel the plot of "12 Feet Deep." Bree, a confident and driven young woman, decides to take a refreshing swim at the Ketea Aquatic Center. Little does she know that this seemingly innocent decision will set the stage for a nightmarish ordeal neither she nor her sister Jonna could have anticipated.

As the pool manager, McGradey, closes the facility for the holidays, Bree is joined by her recovering drug-addict sister, Jonna. In the quiet and dimly lit pool, the sisters find solace in each other's company, reminiscing about their past and attempting to mend their strained relationship. However, their bonding moment quickly transforms into terror when they realize they are trapped inside the pool, with the manager unaware of their presence.

With the pool cover activated, leaving them submerged in complete darkness and isolation, Bree and Jonna frantically attempt to escape their watery prison. But as their desperation grows, buried secrets and simmering resentments rise to the surface. Trust is shattered, alliances shift, and the sisters must confront their deepest fears and face the grim reality of their situation.

The Artistry Behind "12 Feet Deep"

Every great film is a collaborative effort, and "12 Feet Deep" shines with the creative genius of writer-director Matt Eskandari. Known for his ability to craft intense and gripping narratives, Eskandari delivers a masterclass in suspense and tension with this psychological horror-thriller. His meticulous attention to detail and skillful storytelling keep viewers engrossed from start to finish.

Supported by a talented cast, "12 Feet Deep" showcases the acting prowess of Alexandra Park and Nora-Jane Noone as the two sisters trapped in the swimming pool. Their performances are nothing short of exceptional, as they skillfully portray the range of emotions and vulnerabilities that their characters experience. The chemistry between Park and Noone is palpable, drawing us deeper into their harrowing plight.

Throughout the production of "12 Feet Deep," the filmmakers expertly create a sense of claustrophobia and isolation, utilizing the setting of the swimming pool to its full advantage. The tension is heightened by the atmospheric cinematography and the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, which adds an extra layer of suspense to every scene. It is these artistic choices that elevate the film into a gripping cinematic experience.

Image courtesy of TMDB


The talented cast of "12 Feet Deep" brings the gripping story to life, captivating viewers with their exceptional performances.

Alexandra Park as Bree: Alexandra Park delivers a captivating portrayal of Bree, the strong-willed sister who finds herself trapped in the pool. Known for her role as Princess Eleanor on the hit TV series "The Royals," Park's versatility shines as she brings depth and vulnerability to the character of Bree.

Nora-Jane Noone as Jonna: Nora-Jane Noone delivers a mesmerizing performance as Jonna, the troubled sister grappling with jealousy and self-blame. Noone's previous work includes notable films such as "The Magdalene Sisters" and "The Descent," where she showcased her remarkable acting skills.

Tobin Bell as McGradey: Tobin Bell portrays McGradey, the negligent pool manager who unknowingly leaves Bree and Jonna trapped. Bell is well-known for his iconic role as Jigsaw in the "Saw" franchise, bringing his captivating presence and intensity to the character of McGradey.

Diane Farr as Clara: Diane Farr delivers a chilling performance as Clara, the janitor with a hidden agenda. Farr has displayed her acting prowess in shows like "Numb3rs" and "Rescue Me," and her portrayal of Clara adds an extra layer of tension to the film.

Claudia Stauber as Young Bree: Claudia Stauber portrays the younger version of Bree in a haunting flashback sequence. While relatively new to the acting scene, Stauber impresses with her ability to capture the emotional turmoil of Bree's past.

Plunging Into Despair: A Murky Misstep in Filmography

In the deep sea of films, there are occasional treacherous depths that even the most adventurous cinephiles should approach with caution. "12 Feet Deep" finds itself entangled in these murky waters. Despite some positive reception from critics, we must diverge from the general consensus and take a plunge into honesty – this film falls short of its potential.

While the premise of two sisters trapped in a swimming pool sounds promising for a nerve-racking thriller, the execution leaves much to be desired. The screenplay fails to fully immerse the audience in the psychological torment of the characters, dwindling the tension and leaving us gasping for a more engaging narrative. The dialogue, at times, feels shallow, lacking the depth needed to truly captivate viewers.

Although Alexandra Park and Nora-Jane Noone deliver solid performances, their talents are unfortunately overshadowed by a script that fails to tap into the emotional depths required for the audience to connect with their characters. The potential for raw and gripping performances remains untapped, leaving us yearning for more memorable moments.

However, fear not, dear readers. The watery depths of "12 Feet Deep" are not impenetrable. With the aid of ExpressVPN, you can unlock this film and experience it for yourself, even if it isn't natively available on your streaming services in Germany. Sign up for ExpressVPN today and dive into the suspense, as the journey is still worth exploring for those seeking a unique thriller experience.

Image courtesy of TMDB

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