Bratz: Super Babyz

Lo sentimos, Bratz: Super Babyz no está disponible en Netflix USA . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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When an alien matter-converter machine transforms four baby girls into superheroes, the quartet must learn to work together as a team to fend off the extraterrestrials who are looking for their powerful device. The aliens regain possession of the converter and use it to remove the girls' superpowers, but the friends soon realize they already have plenty of amazing abilities in this entry in the Bratz series of popular animated films.


Cathy Weseluck
Cathy Weseluck
Britt McKillip
Britt McKillip
Britt Irvin
Britt Irvin
Dorla Bell
Dorla Bell
Maryke Hendrikse
Maryke Hendrikse

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